During December and January St Mark’s hosts one Anglican eucharist service at 8:30am
Sunday 7:30am
St Mark’s most traditional Anglican service is held every Sunday morning at 7:30am. It is a sung Eucharist (Prayer book service with hymns) and is usually followed with morning tea and the rear of the church. During Covid-19 restrictions, all service words and responses are clearly and visibly played on a screen.
Sunday 9:15am
A traditional Anglican heart with a contemporary and relaxed feel. Using Liturgy from the ‘A Prayer Book for Australia’ (APBA) with seasonal variations, and some topical liturgical features, from other sources, this service is projected onto a screen. Children and young adults are especially encouraged to be involved.
2nd Sunday of each month A particular welcome is extended to children and young adults interested in coming close and engaging personally with the Reverend Nicki in the sanctuary. A children’s message will included as part of the sermon on the 2nd and 4th Sundays.
4th Sunday of each month Kids Plus and Sunday Children of all ages are welcome to join in activities and song based on the theme of the day. They participate in Church with the opening hymn and prayers, depart for Kids Plus, then return for the Greeting of the Peace!
Morning Prayer Tuesdays and Thursdays 8:30am
During Covid-19 restrictions (2020), the Daily Office is read from ‘A Prayer Book for Australia’ via Zoom.
The liturgy, including readings, is shared to all computers and appears on your screen. Email the office for the Zoom link.
Said Eucharist 4th Wednesday of month 10am
A 30 minute, mid-week Eucharistic service is held and all are welcome. A short sermon and readings of the day.