Tennis Court

The Church has a tennis court, accessed via the carpark on Bellevue Terrace. It is used by many local people as well as some from further afield.

Bookings can be made online at :

If you are experiencing any problems please contact 


Can be made online here


  • Please always shut the gates before departure.
  • When parking please do not park across residents’ driveways or block the pedestrian access to the hall or church.
  • If the hall is open and you use the toilets, please respect the privacy of hall users by accessing the toilets via the toilet steps.  This is especially the case when the hall has been hired at commercial rates for a private function!
  • Please tell your friends about us.

Court hours:

  • 7am – 7pm Monday to Saturday
  • 8am to 7pm Sunday

Times may vary due to daylight hours.